Wednesday, September 22, 2010

tacky humor

My husband insisted that I share this little story, so here goes. I was up early Saturday morning with my 2 yr old. I was checking email when I passed gas, rather loudly.
My two yr old looked at me and with a gasp said , "what was that ? "
I quickly replied, "a tree frog".
His quick response was , "a tree frog up your butt?"...
He then made a quick transition to " knock, knock, who's there..".
" who is there?" I responded.
"A tree frog up your butt..", he says.

Somehow I did not think two yr olds were supposed to actually "get" humor. It seems this one does though. Of course I had to tell my older boys. They laughed hysterically . They loved that they had passed on their creative sense of humor to their little brother. It was great to see them laugh, even if I was the ahem, "butt" of the joke. (pun intended).

ah well, the family that laughs together, ... hmm well , they have a lot of fun I guess.

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