Monday, July 5, 2010

Abundant Life

Christ said that he came to give us life and life more abundantly! I have always believed this, but honestly I cannot say that I practiced it very well. Lately it seems that even though there are still trials, God is helping me to go through the trials. The tirals do not disappear but He is helping me work through them in a Christlike manner. Prayer, praise and perseverence do wonders for a stressful situation. My goal is to become more worked up over the simple blessings God gives me , than the crazy , annoying, frustrating events that seem to occur all too frequently. In other words I need to be more excited over playing in the swimming pool with my kids than worrying about the silly drama , and arguing that happen within the family. I need to use my energy rejoicing that I have a family, a place to live, clothes to wear , and too many other blessings to count. Using my energy to stress about negative situations is like adding yeast to bread dough, it just makes it grow. Bad stuff will happen and it must be handled in a godly manner.

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