Thursday, July 15, 2010

Just another day

Just another day to wake up to a shining sun, and blue sky. Just another day to wake up to a toddler in the throws of the terrible twos. ( I mean how unreasonable for me to not allow him to eat frozen garlic bread for breakfast, of course he had ever right to scream, hit, throw things, and lay in the floor pounding his fist for at least ten minutes). Just another day to listen as my children ages 2, 4, 8, and 9 recite Psalm 23. I mean if nothing else sticks in their head, somewhere they have inscribed in their hearts that the LORD is their shepherd, they shall not want, and even if they walk through the valley of shadow of death they shall not fear evil... Its a humbling experience to think that God allowed me to be a part of this. Just another day to break up fights, tell them to stop calling each other names, and tell the 9 yr old that he can NOT return his younger brothers for a pet rabbit or snake. Just another day to watch them resolve a conflict on their own, see them truly forgive each other, and watch the 2 and 4 yr old give each other a hug and a kiss when told to say sorry to each other. Just another day to dwell on how messy my external surroundings are and how desperately I need to clean my house, van, yard, etc. Just another day to marvel how white my heart is, praise to the precious LAMB of GOD who washed my heart as clean as could be with his very own blood.

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