Monday, January 12, 2009

Cause its supposed to be.....

When Ben was about 4 yrs old, we would ask him why he did something, or why something was the way it was.. His classic response was ... cause its supposed to be.. He was simply returning the universe to its inherent order, why could his blind parents not see that? We may not have always agreed with him, but in his mind it was simply the way things were, why would we question it? Sometimes when I become frustrated and I want to do something that I know will confuse people and earn me a " what on earth was she thinking " look.. in my mind I always answer ,
cause its supposed to be. I often question the necessity of things which others seem to regard as standard and normal. On the other hand , my thoughts and ideas often puzzle other people. Why am I so concerned about this elusive other? Why do I care what they think? Who knows. Why do I allow this "other" to cause me so much grief, depression, and anger? Who knows. I do know that I am supposed to be doing something which involves more than laundry, dishes, and changing diapers. Come to think of it, the Proverbs 31 mother was a work at home mom ( if you consider the fields/ vineyard as home ) At any rate she did not have all of her focus on just her kids. She was a well balanced woman, and she managed to earn money in the process. And her family called her blessed. Hmmm. More than anything I know God wants me to write.. but am I supposed to be confining my writing to an online blog that people may or may not be reading? I really do not think so, even my mother encourages me to write more, as does Brian. I love blogging, but I think maybe there is something more out there for me. Not that I should neglect my family , quite the contrary. I need to work harder to gain structure and order for all of us. Then I can have more time in the evenings / mornings to do things like write without distractions. Yesterday morning was Sunday, and as I spent time blogging, my spirit and mind were at peace. All the things which God had been working on in me, came flowing out of me in my writing. It was worship for me. Why writing? Cause its supposed to be.