Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Changing Seasons

kind of ironic, I just realized that Brian's last day of the work ( this Friday ) will be the last day of winter. ( unless I have my dates mixed up, I can never remember exactly what date the seasons change... oh well) . Ending of one season and beginning of another. This has not been a bad winter as far as winters go. Still its been cold, and depressing, and without much sunshine. Lord willing we are ending a period where the family has been missing a vital link for quite some time now. A vital link that brings us smiles and laughters, and fun times. Somehow we seem complete when Brian is with us.
Spring will bring sunshine, flowers blooming, and new life being breathed into the earth. Lord willing we will bring new life to our family. We will need to pray even more often, , be more compassionate and merciful to everyone, and definitely work on encouraging others with our mouths instead of bringing others down. Maybe now we can have a chance to seek God's will wholeheartedly instead of just short prayers for God to bless us as Brian heads off to work.
I know working 60 hrs weeks on average is not that huge of a deal, but for us its been hard. I am thankful he has had a job that pays so well, and that we could pay off a little of our debt. It was also nice to be able to pay for the PE classes at the YMCA, the ice skating lessons, and all the other activities which the boys needed to keep them busy. I just really believe that God wants Brian to spend more time with his sons and me. Little boys need their daddy to teach them , and love them, and show them what it means to be a Godly man.

There is good and bad in any season, it really is just a matter of being thankful and being diligent enough to look for the good things. And then remembering to continually thank God for the blessings He has bestowed.

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