Monday, December 15, 2008

Birthday Bash

Wow, it is hard to believe my little guy is 8 yrs old today. In some ways it has been a short time and yet when I look at the person I was when i gave birth to him.. it seems like another lifetime. He has had a reallly good day today, and I thank God for that. He chose where we ate yesterday for lunch ( McDonalds' yuck) , and then he was able to play all morning at my friend's house with her four kids whom he really likes. When I came to pick him up he was in her backyard digging up rocks from the wooded hillside. He was in his element , literally. Then we met them at Chuck E Cheese , where they played the whole afternoon. He didn't even become upset when the whole cup of tickets came up missing and they didn't find it. Then he was allowed to pick out a few small toys at Big Lots ( side note $20 goes a lot farther at Big Lots than it does at Toys R Us our usual destination) . He is so often frustrated and angry, and stressed out ( kind of like me and Brian really) ,, it was just so nice to see him calm, relaxed, and having a good time. I know we can't take him to CEC every day or give him new toys often, but for something special like a birthdy, well its a good way to show him that he is special and loved. Now if I can just find some ways to make Christmas special too. A way to celebrate the most awesome , special , miraculous birth of all time. A little more challenging perhaps, but it will be fun to try ! And just being with my family automatically makes it more likely to be special.

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