Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Unsure, disatisfied

I am not taking my shakes, not practicing my anger management techniques,..... not cleaning up the house , not spending enough time with the boy's education. I am spending too much time on Facebook and emails. ( blogging is a more structured , constructive form of venting so I do not feel guilty over that) . I love catching up with friends but my immediate family MUST come first. This will be my written reminder to stir myself to do what God wants me to do. The good I want to do , I do not do, but the evil I do not want to do , this I keep on doing... loose translation of Romans Chapter 7 vs ? The apostle Paul really has a way of stabbing at the heart of the matter. Well my children are demanding my attention. I am going to go be a mother . :)

1 comment:

lspence said...

Hey Girl, up at 6 am? you need a shake! love ya.